I so love living here in the hills of Mendocino County. The beauty here is simply breathtaking. I appreciate the sounds of nature and the stunning beauty of the changing seasons. Even though it is incredibly beautiful where I live, sometimes I forget to really be here. My body is here, but my thoughts are elsewhere. Maybe I am thinking about how I am going to do something, or I am thinking about an event in the past instead of being present in this moment.
How I am able to get out of my “mind fog” is to realize that I am in my mind, instead of being present. Taking a deep, conscious breath helps me come back in to my body, instead of hanging out in my thoughts. That way I have a more present experience instead of just being lost in thought. Aware of all my senses makes the present moment all the more exquisite. After all, the biggest gift we can ever give our selves is to fully awaken into the miracle of the now.
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