I know that I worked my butt off in the garden yesterday. I turned a garden bed (one that hadn’t been tilled for over ten years) and pulled out all of the weeds and grasses. I can still feel it in my shoulders and arms, that sweet ache after using my body. And then I turned a large compost pile and added lots of fresh plants and weeds that I had pulled to it.
We have four table grape vines that are over 20 years old. I weeded out the nettles around them (over a garden cart full, and there are still more to pull) and then put manure around them. It was a cold and windy day yesterday, I don’t know that it got out of the forties, so I had to wear silk long underwear and wool outerwear to keep warm.
Today is a new day. The sun is shining and the green grass is vibrating and trying to call me out doors. There are more weeds to pull, that are easier to pull while the ground is still wet. We had around eleven inches of rain come through the last several storms, and the ground is still saturated. It would be good to turn another bed that can be planted with summer veggies.
On my kitchen counter, I have four mangos that I want to make into a fermented Mango Chutney, and I also have two cabbages that I want to make into sauerkraut. Well, I better hop to it. While there is nothing I must do today, there are lots of things that I want to do.

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