Hi baby lover (and especially of baby Tessa),
Have you ever had your toes sucked? If you haven't,
you are missing out on a real treat, and might want
to clean your feet and have someone that loves you
suck them. Have you ever sucked your own toes?
Do you remember putting your foot in your mouth?
(And I don't mean metaphorically.)
Well, Tessa has discovered her feet (I hear that her
Daddy, Calvin, helped her). She loves putting them
in her mouth. So, if her parents make sure she starts
taking baby yoga class, she will maintain her flexibility
and insure at least one possible career as a yoga teacher.
She is able to use her feet almost like others use their hands....
When was the last time that you were able to touch
a baby's bare skin? Oh my Goddess, Tessa's skin
is softer than I remember a baby's skin being... softer
than the finest silk.
Her favorite sound to make today sounded like she
was making a "rasberry" with her mouth. It made her
quite happy to stick her tongue out, blow bubbles and
make that hilarious sound that even a four month old
is familiar with.
Love from a Happy Grandma,

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