Today, my husband Steve and I went for a magical walk. The last few days of stormy weather made it difficult to really enjoy being outside. The air was brisk, and the sky clean and clear except for a few clouds off in the distance. This is a shot of Eagle Peak which juts above the horizon a few miles north of where we live. It’s impossible to get a shot from our home because there is a major hill in the way. Over the years, I have heard stories about eagles nesting there, as well as space ships mysteriously coming and going.
We have an adventurous group of people who, once a year, hike up to Eagle Peak and camp out. They hiked there this week, and I suppose they got soaked—we’ve had a bunch of rain the past week or so, enough to fill our pond and create lots of runoff. Our seasonal stream is flowing merrily, and we’re able to use our hydro system to produce electricity.