When I got home last Tuesday earlier than usual, my husband, Steve, was still in town running errands. I got a call from him saying that there was a fire at the bottom of Orr Springs Road, and that they weren’t letting traffic through. He ended up finding a back way home. It took one and a half hours to get back here (usually it takes about 20 minutes). So, I had to see for myself if I was in danger and drove back towards town. I found the fire raging pretty close to Ukiah, about six or seven miles from here. Fortunately, for my neighbors and I, the wind was blowing from the west, and not driving the fire our way. My son called because he had seen the smoke, and told him I was OK.
The next morning, the fire still burned. The road was choked with all kinds of firemen and equipment. Only one lane of traffic was open, but I was able to get to work. It took two helicopters, two firefighting airplanes, over 30 fire trucks, and a multitude of firefighters to get it under control. It ended up scorching over 111 acres, though, no structures were lost. I heard that the cause of the fire had to do with someone cutting fire wood. I take my hat off to the firefighters who help knock it down and put it out.
By the way, it was earlier that same day that I took the picture of the turkey vulture on the telephone pole, just across the road from where the fire took off. My understanding is that no turkey vultures were harmed in the burning of this fire.